You will have no trouble finding a wide assortment of excellent vegan wallets.

Vegan Wallets for Men & Women: A Buyer’s Guide

Not so long ago, you’d have a tough time finding nice-looking and durable vegan wallets. Most quality wallets were made of leather, and vegan wallets tended to fall apart within months. That is fortunately no longer the case. A number of companies churn out stylish and well-made vegan wallets. You’ll therefore have no trouble finding a good one in whatever style you desire.

Vegan wallets are constructed from a variety of materials. Some use advanced synthetic fabrics that beat leather in every possible way. And you can still buy old-school 1970s nylon wallets with Velcro closures.

Men’s Vegan Wallets

The finest men’s vegan wallet in existence may well be the SlimFold MICRO Soft Shell. This is the first wallet that beats the pants off high-end leather wallets in every possible criteria, including looks and durability. The material looks like gorgeous black suede, but it’s an advanced synthetic material that is much more costly to produce. SlimFold wallets are waterproof, far thinner than typical leather wallets, and yet much more durable. These wallets are beautifully designed and crafted in the USA. In my experience they look brand new for about eighteen months and will last three or four years.

Hemp wallets also deserve consideration. Rugged looking and ultra-durable, they’re perfect for outdoorsy people. You can get them in all sorts of styles, about half of which carry a strong stoner vibe.

My most recent wallet is probably the best buy available: a navy and red Herschel Roy RFID. I have strong anti-polyester bias and don’t buy clothes made from this material. But polyester takes many forms, and the fabric used to make this wallet has a coarse and durable feel that I like a lot. The wallet  looks indestrucable, and I expect it to last for years. I will report back with an update.

Dynomighty makes inexpensive and impossibly thin wallets from an unlikely material—Tyvek.  Paper-thin yet durable, Tyvek is the film used during construction to wrap the insulation of houses. carries Dynomighty wallets in dozens of eye-catching designs featuring imagery that ranges from subway maps to bubble gum wrappers.

Here are a few other brands of men’s vegan wallets:

Women’s Wallets

Designed for the purse rather than the pocket, vegan women’s wallets sell at every price point. Matt & Nat occupies the high end of the market, and the company’s entire product line is vegan. carries Matt & Nat wallets in a variety of styles.

Here are some other brands of vegan wallets for women:

For further reading: please see our vegan apparel coverage and our page about leather.
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