Portland, Oregon is hands-down the most vegan-friendly mid-sized city in the United States. It’s got an unbelievable vegan food cart scene, with various all-vegan carts scattered around the city. And it’s got great food—ranging from cheap falafel and breakfasts to high-end gourmet fare. Some highlights that nobody vacationing in Portland should miss:
- Homegrown Smoker BBQ—All vegan and arguably the world’s best vegan barbecue.
- Vtopia Cheese Shop & Deli—Gourmet vegan cheese, plus access to delicious vegan meats from Homegrown Smoker.
- Blossoming Lotus—A pioneer in affordable yet upscale vegan dining.
- Sweet Pea Baking Company—An all-vegan bakery that creates the best cookies and cakes you’ve ever tried. Also offers nice savory meals.
- The Bye-and-Bye—Now you’ve seen everything: a bar with a 100 percent vegan menu!
- The Sudra—Only go here if you want enormous yet affordable plates of delicious vegan Indian food.
The country’s first vegan mini-mall opened in Portland (featuring a bakery, a grocery, a clothing shop, and a tattoo parlor) And the city attracts some of the most dedicated vegan activists in the country.
This page makes no attempt to keep up with Portland’s rapidly-evolving vegan scene, but here are links to some of the best resources you’ll find:
- Food Fight Grocery’s Vegan Guide—A must-read. Maintained by the Food Fight Grocery. Regularly updated with all the best vegan restaurants and other vegan businesses.
- Northwest Veg—One of America’s most effective vegetarian advocacy groups. They sponsor several events each month across the greater Portland area, and they also put on an annual VegFest that draws dozens of exhibitors and thousands of attendees.
- Vegan Meetups—Would you believe that Portland has six different veggie meetups with at least a hundred members apiece?