It’s been a banner day for vegan feature articles. We’ve got two — count ’em, two — such articles published today.
The first is published by the Times Colonist, and, while it’s an introductory piece, it’s much longer and more thorough than the usual feature article on veganism. Plus it features our pal Dreena Burton, as well as a few great recipes from Nava Atlas. Link.
The second piece covers some NYC vegan cooking classes taught by Christine Waltermyer. It’s upbeat and informative, and ends with a couple of Waltermyer’s recipes (the Basil Summer Rolls sound magnificent). What’s amazing about this piece is it’s appearing in the New York Daily News, a paper which I’ve long thought incapable of publishing anything positive about vegans, as they typically reserve vegan coverage for the “Vegan Couple Starves Tot” type headlines. But both of these pieces are upbeat, and both avoid the common journalistic practice of calling in some shill from the National Dairy Council to spread misinformation. Link.