If you’re looking to discover the best and biggest assortment of vegan foods, you’ve come to the right place.
This page offers a links to every food-related page published by Vegan.com. Depending on what you’re seeking, might want to start with our vegan cooking guide, our list of recommended cookbooks, or perhaps our vegan grocery page which features the best food deals from Amazon.com
The quickest way to discover all the great things vegans can eat is to visit each of the following eight pages. You’ll encounter a staggering variety of fantastic vegan food choices:
- Easy Vegan Foods
- Guide to Vegan Eating (Advice on Grocery Shopping, Cooking, & Dining Out)
- Vegan Alternatives to Non-Vegan Foods
- Vegan-Friendly Cuisines
- Vegan Shopping List
- Vegan Groceries (from Amazon.com)
- Finding Vegan Restaurant Food
- Vegan Fast Food
If you want to get started cooking vegan meals, we’ve got helpful advice on every topic:
- Vegan Cooking Guide
- Recommended Cookbooks
- Vegan Baking & Baked Goods
- Breakfasts
- Brunch
- Lunches
- Dinners
- Desserts
- Snacks
For the easiest and most versatile meals, be sure to check out these guides:
Ditching meat is easy thanks to an abundance of excellent vegan alternatives:
When you’re ready to rid your diet of eggs and dairy, we’ll introduce you to all sorts of fantastic vegan alternatives.
- Guide to Dairy-Free Eating
- Guide to Egg-Free Eating
- Almond Milks
- Butter
- Cheeses
- Coffee Creamers
- Cream Cheeses
- Egg Replacer
- Margarine
- Mayonnaise
- Milks
- Sour Cream
- Soy Milks
- Whipped Cream
- Yogurts
Our introduction to international cuisines links to these pages:
- Ethiopian Food
- Indian Food
- Italian Food
- Japanese Food
- Mexican Food
- Middle Eastern Food
- Soul Food
- Thai Food
- Vietnamese Food
To bump up your nutrition don’t miss our coverage of vegetables, beans, tofu, and fruit. Then explore these other possibilities:
- Alcohol
- Avocados
- Beans
- Beer
- Bread
- Cake
- Candy
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Sauce
- Coconut Milk
- Cookies
- Cooking Schools
- Cupcakes
- Desserts
- Donuts
- Dorm Foods
- Fruits
- Gluten-Free
- Green Smoothies
- Halloween Candy
- Honey
- Hummus
- Ice Cream
- Juice
- Kale
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Meals
- Nutritional Yeast
- Nuts
- Parmesan Cheese
- Pie
- Quinoa
- Raw Food
- Rice
- Salad Dressing
- School Lunches
- Seitan
- Smoothies
- Sorbet
- Sugar
- Superfoods
- Sushi
- Tahini
- Tempeh
- Tofu
- TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)
- Wine
Now that you’ve looked over all the best vegan foods, so why not get cooking? Check out our Guide to Vegan Cooking and our list of bestselling vegan cookbooks. If you’re new to vegan foods, you may also find our “How to Go Vegan” page of interest.